
In September 2020, I was scrolling through social media and kept coming across these wax melt businesses. It intrigued me so much that I decided to try making some for myself. After playing around with making wax melts, In December I created an instagram account for my craft and began selling there I got my first order in the same month!

I started off by making wax melts in the form of shapes and well-known scents like Fresh linen and coffee. I soon decided to get more creative and make anime-inspired wax melts with a vartiety of scent blends.

February 2021, I opened an Etsy shop and started to sell my wax melts there I gained quite a bit of traction from it. 

In 2022, I changed the shop's direction and focused not only anime characters, but also characters from different fandoms like Genshin Impact and Marvel. I've also done a few collaborations with Geek'd Soaps. In November 2022, I created my first ever themed box! It was Marine Animal inspired. I hope to make many more of these themed boxes in the coming year!